Yellow-green, yellow-orange and neutral palette of shades

A room in a palette of warm shades suits those, who like coziness and warmth. A kitchen in yellow-green color is what the optimists and people, who like comfort, need. The yellow color is fresh and combines all highlights of sunny light, juiciness and saturation.

The yellow-green interior is exactly for those, who like warm and sunny summer. Yellow enlarges the space and green symbolizes life, thus it adds energy even on the gloomiest day.

Silk Touch 40
Latex paint
Silk Touch 40

Semi-glossy latex interior paint

A neutral color palette in interior design is still popular. The best in neutral tones is their universality, so they can be used everywhere. They support every definite style, from the very traditional to the most modern. The neutral tones are the ideal background for every type of furniture and accessories and they are perfectly combined. 

Yellow-orange shades create a bright and dynamic atmosphere. All shades of grey, pastel green, yellow-brown, blue-grey and brown shades combine with yellow-orange shades very well. That is the thing, which helps you create a cozy atmosphere. 

Silk Touch 40
Silk Touch 40

NCS S 5000-N

Silk Touch 40

NCS S 3010-Y20R

Silk Touch 40

NCS S 2020-G90Y

Silk Touch 40



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