Latex paint

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Megalatex Maxima

latex paint

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Silk Touch 1 Maxima

Dead-matt latex interior paint

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Silk Touch 3 Maxima

Matt latex interior paint

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Silk Touch 7 Maxima

Silky-matt latex interior paint

Silk Touch 20 Maxima

Semi-matt latex interior paint

Silk Touch 40 Maxima

Semi-glossy latex interior paint

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Lotos Maxima

Hypoallergenic latex paint

An interior latex paint is one of the most popular finishing products. And it is not a surprise as precisely it helps to achieve impressive effects. Latex paint is intended for the luxury coating of walls, which will serve you for a long time. It has high elasticity and hardness. Due to its correct composition, latex interior paint has a perfect coverage rate.

High-quality interior paint has top-class resistance to washing. That is why all contaminations are easily removed with water. All paints can be tinted in all colors from the NCS catalog, which contains 1970 options. It easily covers the previous paint coat.

Interior paint adds to your room individuality. You can choose a paint of various gloss degrees:

  • matt;
  • silky-matt;
  • semi-matt;
  • semi-glossy.

Latex paint has a high adhesion and can be easily applied to the wall. During coating, it doesn't run and splash. 

Advantages of the interior paint, which you'd pay your attention:

  1. It has no strong odor.
  2. It dries quickly.
  3. It creates a hard coating.
  4. It can be tinted in many colors.
  5. It is washable.
  6. It has a perfect adhesion.

Latex paint adds your interior sophistication and elegance and makes your room special and cozy.

You can buy the interior paint for an affordable price in our webshop with delivery all over Ukraine. You can also ask our specialist and receive free consultations.


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Latex wall paint

When you decide to renovate your house or flat there is not always a definite correct design of the renovation and an idea of definite materials for this process. Families with small children and pets decide the materials for renovation especially thoroughly as they are not secured from drawings on the walls and dirty spots after paws. It's clear that they choose such materials, which are easy to apply and wash without any rest dirt. Latex paint is the best decision. In this article, we will dwell on the reason, that many consumers like latex paint.

What is latex paint?

Latex paint is a water-based product containing acrylic, styrene acrylic, butadiene styrene or vinyl acrylic latex as a binding substance. This kind of paint is harmless and suits to be applied in the living premises.

Latex paint is an emulsion of polymer particles, which don't stick to each other because the product contains water. The product dries quickly after application in 1-2 hours. And complete polymerization of latex paint (complete evaporation of water and joining of polymer particles) is in 28 days. As a result, it creates a hard decorative and protective coating. 

if building, renovating, and reconstructing works are performed, latex paint can be used for coating walls of bricks and concrete, ceilings, outer facades, and gypsum surfaces.

Besides the facts, that latex paint dries quickly can be tinted in every color, and has no strong odor, it is remarkable with wash resistance and elasticity. 

You can read very often on the package "1 class resistance to washing". It means, that this product is resistant to repeated intensive washing, and resists washing with aggressive washing treatments and even a brush with the nap of medium hardness. All this is possible due to the high-quality latex in its content.

Advantages of latex paint:

  • the paint has no strong odor unlike alkyd-based products;
  • the paint can be tinted in many colors, which mainly depends on your taste and suit every design;
  • the paint is easy to apply, which means that the person, who applies it, needs no special skills in housepainting. Nevertheless, the surface shall be thoroughly prepared;
  • the paint hides small defects of the walls (matt);
  • the paint can be applied in the bathroom;
  • the paint is vapor permeable;
  • the paint has a high coverage rate;
  • the surface, coated with latex paint, is easily washable;
  • the paint has a long exploitation life.

Disadvantages of latex paint:

  • the paint can't be applied without prior preparation of the surface;
  • it is easy to damage the structure of the paint (the coating shall get dry well. You may wash the wall only 28 days after application).


Depending on the sphere of application, latex paint can be used:

  • for interior works;
  • for exterior works (speaking the truth about acrylic latex, it doesn't fade under the sunlight);

The paint for exterior works can be used for interior and exterior finishing works, but if you have the paint for interior works, it is intended only for use inside the premises as they are not light-resistant. 

Latex paint can differ according to the gloss degree:

  • matt (dead-matt, matt, satin) - it partially hides small defects of the wall;
  • glossy (semigloss, gloss, high gloss) - it's better to apply on a smooth and flat surface without scratches and pits.

Most of the manufacturers of latex paint can point such options on the label, as:

  • silky-matt;
  • velvet matt;

The difference in gloss degree is determined by the quantity of polymer and size of fraction, which is contained in the paint product: the bigger fraction the matter is the coating and vice versa - small grains provide the surface with a more vivid gloss.

All the abovementioned options have their advantages. Matt paint partially hides small defects on the surface. Unfortunately, it draws to visual reduction to the space and problems with washing. 

Glossy product, contrariwise, allows visual enlarging of the premise. It is more difficult to make it dirty and it is more resistant to dry and wet cleaning.

If you need something balanced between the abovementioned options, you may choose satin or semigloss paint. The choice of the degree of gloss depends on the desired result and design decision.


Application: subtleties and features

When you work with latex paint it is necessary to fulfill the directions stated in the label, because it precisely occurs the successful result of coating the surface, as well as provides the best possible exploitation properties, declared by the manufacturer.


There are two ways of tinting the latex paint:

  • Tinting machine (machine way). It is an easy, quick and practical way. The quantity of colorant is dosed automatically depending on the chosen color. The paint is thoroughly stirred in special equipment (gyromixer, shaker).
  • At home (manual way). It is necessary to stir the paint manually with a colorant to receive a homogeneous product. The more colorant you add into a container with paint, the more saturated color you receive, nevertheless, the manufacturers don't recommend adding more than 10% of the total weight of the product, so the properties of the paint wouldn't be lost.

It is recommended to apply some paint on the surface to check the result after tinting with a tinting machine. The thing is that latex paint slightly changes the shade of the color after drying, that is why it is better to check the color of the finished coating at once than to coat the whole surface again losing time and money for the paint.

When you do manual tinting, it is necessary to apply some paint on the sample and check the result after each subsequent addition of colorant. It is also mandatory to let it dry, as latex paint slightly changes its shade after drying.

In the first and the second options of tinting, it is necessary to buy paint from the same batch for one or two coats of paint. Do not coat a part of the wall and after some period (when the coat gets dry) continue coating as the joint line will be seen well.

How to apply

Apply latex paint with a roller or a spraying gun. A spraying gun is used oftener when the area of application is wide to spare time for coating and physical efforts. If you coat walls in the flat, then it is practical to coat the corners and difficult-to-reach parts with a brush and then coat the main surface with a roller with a medium-length nap. The first and the second coats are applied identically.

Latex paint in the interior with a photo

Latex paint for walls and ceilings is an ideal decision for absolutely every room: a kitchen, a living room, a bedroom, a baby room, and a bathroom. Benefits of latex paint are described above, and how to choose a color of paint for walls is described in this article How to choose a color of paint for walls?

To avoid repeating we add some new information. As latex paint is easy to be tinted in every color, depending on your desires, we offer you to have a look of the most popular colors, which are used for designing interiors of small flats.

Professionals decide that you shall not use more than three colors in the design, choosing the following strategy:

  1. The basic color is main or leading. The direct purpose is to make it obvious what color takes the majority in the room. As usual, you can see it on large objects: walls and the main part of the furniture.
  2. Additional nuance serves to support the first one. It is shown on the accented wall, some furniture, textile in the room and others. it can be contrasted or otherwise relative to the main or close to it.
  3. Auxiliary color plays an insignificant role but is also tangible. It can be bright and saturated but at the same time, it obtains a small area of ​​the pattern of curtains or in the details of accessories, and also be an ornament on the wallpaper or soft armchair with butterflies.

Harmonized composition in the ideal form shall follow the following formula: basic color - 60%, additional - 30%. auxiliary - 10%.


Creme brulee

Basic color: Scandinavian white

Color companions: grey, powder pink, beige.

The most known way to enlarge space is to coat walls in white color. We offer to add a color palette with pastel shades to avoid a monochromic interior.

Latex paint


Basic color: peach pink

Color companions: pink, light beige, yellow

The pink color is possible to be a basic color in shall area. And yellow and golden accents don't let your house turn into a princess castle.

Latex paint


Basic color: emerald

Color companions: grey, yellow, green, white.

the emerald color adds depth and coziness to a small space. Light decoration and accents of wood complete the palette.

Latex paint

Grass green

Basic color: grass green

Color companions: orange, blue, red, black. white.

If your favorite green is warm, find for it suitable shades in the same warm palette. Small accents of cold blue and grey will balance the whole picture. 

Latex paint


Basic color: grey-blue.

Color companions: powder pink, dark blue. golden, white.

Noble grey and light pink is a combination, which has become classic. Blue velvet and golden accessories add the premise chic and features of neo-classic.


Latex paint


Basic color: sky blue.

Color companions: terracotta, graphite, white.

An active combination of sky blue and white make an atmosphere of  "ethereality" in a small premise. And if you don't want to feel bored in cold shades, add some "sun" with the help of orange, terracotta or golden details.


Latex paint

Mango sorbet

Basic color: yellow.

Color companions: brown, white, grey, bright violet.

Choosing yellow as a basic color is a brave and non-standard decision and it is very winning for small premises. The premises seem to glow out after that.

Latex paint

Вuy latex paint

The price for latex paint for walls depends on the volume of the container and the quantity in the order. Visiting our website you can buy latex paint for an affordable price with delivery all over Ukraine. You can also contact our consultant and receive an answer free of charge.