Blue and blue-green color

Rich blue and blue-green colors look perfectly together in many various combinations. There are many ways to add a blue and green color palette to make it ideal for your room. Blue color for walls is very popular and is called safe color for interior decor. Everyone knows, that green is a color of life, This is a color of nature, grass and trees. That's why a green color can transfer calm to the atmosphere and gives its owner the feeling of confidence and safety.

Silk Touch 40
Latex paint
Silk Touch 40

Semi-glossy latex interior paint

Blue and green colors are very popular in recent years, which perfectly suit the modern design of a premise. Light green tones of decor accessories and coating of the walls are pleasant to the eye in general and transfer the feeling of beauty and calmness. 

Silk Touch 40
Silk Touch 40

NCS S 1050-R90B

Silk Touch 40

NCS S 2020-B40G

Silk Touch 40

NCS S 1015-R90B

Silk Touch 40



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