Category: Pigment
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Category: Pigment
Organic and non-organic pigments, water, additives.
beige, white, turquoise, grey brown, camel, blue, yellow, green, caramel, coral, brown, red, creamy, lavender, lime, lemon, salmon, crimson, olive, orange, ochre, peach, sandy, rosy, light green, grey blue, solar, violet, pistachio, black.
It depends on a desired color, but not more than 10% of the volume of paint product.
≈ 3 - 10 % (Lavender, Salmon, Crimson, Orange, Peach, Pink, Gray-blue, Purple).
≈ 10 - 20 % (Turquoise, Blue, Yellow, Green, Red, Lime, Lemon, Light green, Pistachio, Black).
≈ 20 - 30 % (Beige, Brown, Caramel, Coral, Olive, Sunny).
> 30 % (White, Camel, Brown, Ochre, Sand).
≈ 1,0 - 1,1 g/cm3 ((Turquoise, Blue, Yellow, Green, Red, Lavender, Lime, Lemon, Salmon, Crimson, Orange, Peach, Pink, Light green, Gray-blue, Purple, Pistachio, Black).
≈ 1,1 - 1,3 g/cm3 (Beige, Brown, Caramel, Coral, Olive, Sunny).
≈ 1,3 - 1,4 g/cm3 (Camel, Brown, Ochre, Sand).
≈ 1,7 g/cm3 (White).
For interior work (Salmon, Orange, Peach).
For exterior and interior work (White, Beige, Turquoise, Grey-brown, Camel, Blue, Coral, Brown, Lavender, Crimson, Ochre, Sand, Pink, Gray-Blue, Sunny, Violet, Black, Yellow, Green, Caramel, Red, Lime, Lemon).
100 ml
36 months
Shake before use. Add gradually, thoroughly mixing with the paint product manually or in a mechanic way.
If you want to tint lime solution, first tint water with a colorant and then add gradually lime stirring thoroughly.
It is recommended to add maximum 10% to a paint and 5% to a lime solution. Layering of the product is not a defect. Do not use it as an individual product.
It is intended for tinting of most waterborne paints, enamels, varnishes, stuccos, lime and other waterborne products, which are used for coating surfaces indoors and outdoors.
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