Orange, blue-green and red colors

The orange color is cheerful. Such decor is a choice of active people. Much orange can cause emotional tiredness, that's why it is better to use it as an accented shade. Orange can be combined with many other shades. 

Silk Touch 20
Silk Touch 20

Semi-matt latex interior paint

Blue perfectly combines with green. Modern designers use blue and green in the interior of children rooms, bathrooms and kitchens. These colors are related and that's why can be combined without any terms. Every item or surface in the room can be of the green or blue color of various saturation. 

Red is a color of warrior and masculinity. It charges with energy and gives power. The red color can be the base one in your interior. Nevertheless, it demands to dose. This color is often used on the walls of oriental interiors. Correctly set accents in the color palette make the interior living and the room fills with light and energy of red color. 

Silk Touch 20
Silk Touch 20

NCS S 1510-Y30R

Silk Touch 20

NCS S 2010-Y90R

Silk Touch 20

NCS S 2010-B30G

Silk Touch 20



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