Yellow-green, dark blue and violet

Dark blue and violet are an interesting combination of colors for the interior. Brighter shades create a picturesque design and paler ones bring in the room mystery. Both colors can be used as accent colors in a neutral color palette but if you want a brighter design, they can be used in brighter shades. 

Silk Touch 20
Latex paint
Silk Touch 20

Semi-matt latex interior paint

If you like the idea of green rooms, but you feel that they need some more warmth or you want to decrease plenty of ideas in yellow rooms one step down, then yellow-green rooms are an ideal compromise. 

Yellow-green rooms are one of the sunniest spaces. They are ideal for warming cool premises and for the soft glow of bright rooms.

Silk Touch 20
Silk Touch 20

NCS S 4005-R50B

Silk Touch 20

NCS S 2030-R90B

Silk Touch 20

NCS S 0540-G90Y

Silk Touch 20



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